PhD Position at the Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) Lab

Funded position at the DAS lab to work at the intersection of software engineering and AI. Tasks include: research and developing techniques to improve the state-of-the-art in software engineering, communicating results to the wider community, developing tools, etc.

Contact information

Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.



Enter your most recent education information.

If you are currently enrolled, enter the expected graduation date.

Areas of interest / expertise

Tell us more about what you are interested in doing.

Enter each one on a new line.

University Application

Did you submit an official application to Concordia University?


Do you require funding from Concordia University?

Introduction Video

Record a short (1-2 minute) video indicating: 1) why you are interested in doing a phd? 2) why are you interested in this research lab? 3) what are your plans after completing your phd? This video will be shared with the professor.



The CV should include your academic and professional experience.



The transcript should include your grades and courses taken.